Jul 08, 2024

We’re proud to announce that Joe Sapp, MBA, CAE, President of Talley, has joined the AIC Thought Leadership Panel for 2024-2025.
The Association Insight Center (AIC) was launched by American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) in 2022 to help association executives navigate a time of great change, uncertainty, and ever-increasingly complex decisions through topical and relevant custom data, research, and insights. The AIC Thought Leadership Panel leads this initiative, providing guidance and unique insights from their experience as association executives.
“The AIC is a unique opportunity to bring together leaders from all over the association space,” says Joe. “Each has its own challenges and opportunities for the group to discuss and help support. The ability to produce a tangible product via this discussion and interactions will help drive further change and opportunity throughout associations and their communities.”
In the 2024-2025 term, the topics of focus will be Workforce, Community, and Partnerships. Within each topic, specific areas of research will be identified and pursued, with the support of the AIC’s research partner, McKinsey Advisors.
“Some of the issues I am most excited about are how we engage a multi-generational workforce and community within our respective association spaces,” says Joe. “In addition, how organizations are navigating the ongoing transition to remote and hybrid work is a topic that is getting lots of attention within the group.”
As President of Talley, Joe is passionate about helping associations navigate change, uncertainty, and any and all challenges they face. He worked his way up the organization from an intern, over the years providing a steady hand, a friendly face, and a serious knack for helping associations thrive. With Talley, Joe has supported associations of all types as they pursue their missions, giving him a comprehensive and unique perspective on association management. He is excited to get to work with AIC, and help contribute research and ideas to help association executives navigate upcoming challenges and changes.
“I joined the AIC as an opportunity to be part of the larger association industry’s discussion on important topics,” says Joe. “Being connected to other industry leaders facing similar challenges allows us to be part of the solution and future of work within our industry.”
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